Batxillerat Dual

Per segon any consecutiu, alumnes del Col·legi Claret han decidit assumir el repte per aconseguir un high school diploma dels Estats Units. Seguint un programa de classes online amb un professor americà, i convalidant classes que fan al Claret presencialment, aquests alumnes després de 3 o 4 anys podran gaudir d'haver assolit els requisits d'un diploma nacional i d'un altre americà.

Tot seguit compartim les opinions dels alumnes que han començat el programa aquest curs:

The best part of the Dual Diploma program is self-learning because you learn to be more independent and responsible. You have to work a little bit every day. It’s important that you don't leave all your work for the last minute. What I like the most are the courses we have to take: English and Life Management Skills. I think that they are very useful and you learn a lot. My favorite one is Life Management Skills because it is a new subject for me and I find it very interesting.  I enjoy the assignments we have to do as they are not typical or boring. In fact, they are rather entertaining and helpful. 

Ariadna Vidal, 3r ESO C

Live Sessions* are very interesting because they give you the opportunity to meet new people who are also doing the Dual Diploma program in other parts of the world. It is a fun way to learn about their culture and their customs. Also, during the Live Sessions our teacher prepares amazing games and tests which help you to discover what type of student you are, what subjects might be good for you to study in the future and what jobs you could be good at…  I think the Live Sessions are very interesting because during these sessions you can discover a lot of things about yourself.
* activitats grupals per videoconferència

Toni Valea, 3r ESO A

I am enjoying my online classes. In the beginning, I did have to get used to working with the platform because I had never taken classes online before. However, it was rather easy to find my way around from the very beginning. The platform is easy to use and I quickly know what assignments I have to do for both my classes (English and Life Management Skills). I really like my English class. We have to read a lot which is helping me to enrich my vocabulary. In fact, this semester we had to read a novel for class.

Emma Martin, 3r ESO C

As part of our English class, we have to use a second platform called Burlington. It is an online platform where we have to do grammar exercises and conversation activities. We even have to record ourselves so that the teacher can evaluate how we speak and this way we can improve our English pronunciation.There are many modules and many activities, it takes time to do but it is very helpful. 

Miguel Ángel Rodríguez, 3r ESO C